Is the purchase of a new or used boat in your future?
Our survey will allow you to make an appropriate offer.
Does your insurance carrier require an updated value survey?
Our surveys are accepted by all insurance carriers and will satisfy their requirements.
Selling your boat?
Our survey can determine your present vessel’s value before you accept a buyer’s offer that may not be in your favor.
Has your boat been damaged?
While our expertise is mostly utilized by insurance companies, vessel owners requiring a second opinion frequently contact us before a damage claim is settled.
Need an expert witness?
We provide expert courtroom testimony in probate matters.
What Does A Marine Survey Contain?
Surveys are conducted in accordance with the Society of Accredited Marine Surveyors (SAMS) Code of Ethics, Rules of Practice and Guidelines, the American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) Standards and Recommendations, Title 46 United States Code (USC) Title 33 and 46 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards and Recommendations.
Typical survey inspections include the following content:
- Hull Deck And Superstructure
- Cabin Appointments
- Propulsion*
- Fuel
- Electrical
- Potable Water
- Sanitation
- Steering
- Ground Tackle
- Electronics And Navigation Equipment
- Thru-Hulls
- Bonding System
- Safety Equipment
- Out Of Water Inspection
- Seatrial (Optional)
- Standing Rigging (Sail Vessels)**
- Running Rigging (Sail Vessels)**
- Sails (Sail Vessels)**
- Estimate Of Fair Market Value
- Recommendations And Report (Pdf)
Findings and recommendations are listed as follows:
A. SAFETY DEFICIENCIES, these represent potential endangerments to personnel and/or the vessel’s safe and proper operating condition.
B. OTHER DEFICIENCIES NEEDING ATTENTION, these are most generally maintenance issues which should be attended to.
C. SURVEYOR’S NOTES AND OBSERVATIONS, these are not necessarily considered deficiencies.
* The external condition of the propulsion machinery and accessory equipment will be inspected both static (on shore) and underway during the sea trial, however the internal condition of those systems will not be inspected nor evaluated. Should operating anomalies be discovered during the inspection and/or sea trial, a recommendation to further evaluate the mechanical systems with a certified technician may be made.
** For sailing vessels, the sails, spars, standing and running rigging are visually inspected from deck level only. A recommendation may be made to have those systems further evaluated by a competent rigger.
It should be noted that portions of the internal hull which are not visible and can not be accessed without invasive or destructive methods will not be inspected.